

Is it Possible to Regrow Hair on a Bald Spot?

Bald Spot Hair Recovery Options...

If you Google that question – Is it possible to regrow hair on a bald spot you will find a variety of answers.

There is the medically proven method using drugs approved by the FDA.

There is the option to take supplements that are drug free. This is the preferred method for people that don't want to risk any side effects.

There is also an abundance of recipes and concoctions you can make at home.

For example a study once showed that coffee was able help hair growth treatments. This has lead to the promotion of hair loss shampoos containing caffeine.

You will even find websites suggesting that you make your own home brew of coffee. Wait till it cools down obviously. Then rub the coffee into your scalp.

Holding it all in with a towel or such like, wait a couple of minutes then remove.

Some people will be listening to this advice, and on a daily basis they will be rubbing coffee into their hair for as long as it takes them to realise that there has been no change. Their bald spot has remained the same with no regrowth.

You will find similar advice with onions, egg yokes, eating more protein and the like.

There may be some truth in these home remedies. But I am yet to see evidence of such simple recipes managing to regrow hair on a bald spot.

But the answer you're looking for...

Can Hair Grow Back After Balding Over Several Years?

The straight answer is yes it is possible for hair to grow back after balding for years.

What happens is that whatever method of hair regrowth you decide to embark on you are never actually going to grow any new hairs that weren't there in the first place.

What do I mean by this?

I mean when balding or thinning of the hair occurs, the hair follicles don't actually disappear.

They have basically just shrunk to the point where you can't see them.

In other words as long as there has been no damage to the scalp causing the follicles to be removed, it is possible to improve the strength and health of those finer hairs.

Now it would be unrealistic to suggest a completely bald man can easily grow back a full head of hair. If you hear something that seems too good to be true then it probably is, and there are plenty of scams on the Internet.

But by reviving finer hair, and by improving the strength of your hair overall, the appearance of bald patches can be remarkably reduced.

How to Grow Back Hair Fast Without Compromising Safety

Because the pharmaceutical companies have a huge advertising budget. Propecia has become the most popular and fastest solution to regrow your hair.

People are in fact managing to regrow hair on what once appeared to be a bald spot. You just need to search through forums and search for personal blogs where you will see photographic evidence.

So it can actually be done.

But when I say fast, I don't mean overnight.

Whatever method you decide on it's going to take several months at the very least.

I have no doubt the the success stories you read about online will have done everything they can to achieve that regrowth, and will probably have adjusted their diet as well as taken supplements for hair regrowth.

Another successful product you will have heard of is Rogaine, of which the main active ingredient that has regrown hair is Minoxidil. You can buy generic Minoxidil a lot cheaper and it will do the same job.

Minoxidil has had a lot of reported success regrowing hair on the bald spot on the crown of the head but apparently not so good with frontal bald spots.

This is what I have seen on forums.

You have to be aware though, there are side effects associated with these drugs.

In particular a lot of men are scared of the sexual side effects Propecia has had reported in the media.

Also Propecia cannot be taken by women due to pregnancy issues. They can take a lower dose of Minoxidil, and or the natural supplements and spray.

Minoxidil isn't so bad other than mild irritations to the skin.

You won't get any side effects with these recommended natural supplements and spray.


Now you know how to regrow thinning hair on a bald spot.

But will it work for you?

If you try any of the drugs for hair loss and combine them with the natural supplements and spray, and are prepared to be patient and not give up, then you will surely have the greatest chance of seeing the results you desire.

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