

Menopause Hair Loss Natural Treatment to Regrow Hair

Having a Full Head of Hair Makes You Look Younger

It's common knowledge that the dreaded menopausal experiences include things like mood swings and hot flushes.

Plus a whole host of other unpleasant symptoms a woman has to go through, because of the hormonal changes taking place to her body.

And if that doesn't sound frightening enough, how about adding hair loss to the list?

Hair loss in menopausal women is much more common than people like to talk about.

But don't worry there are natural ways to tackle menopausal hair loss.

As a woman you can afford to lose quite a lot of hair, and still keep the appearance of a full head of hair. But if it's got to the stage where you can clearly see your scalp when you part your hair, then your hair loss is pretty advanced at this stage.

You're not going to recede at the front the way men do, but you'll probably notice a general thinning across the top of your scalp area.

Why Does Menopause Cause Hair Loss in The First Place?

Why does menopause cause hair loss in so many women? Well if your hair loss occurred either during or after the menopause, nine times out of ten, it will be down to your hormones changing.

It's an unpleasant part of the ageing process.

As you know, a pregnant woman often looks more beautiful, with glowing skin. Her hair will be thicker and shinier as well.

Well the opposite happens to your hair with the onset of the menopause.

You will have less estrogen proportionate to testosterone. And you're hair will shed in the same way as a man.

A lot of menopausal women turn to hormone replacement therapy in order to counteract all the horrible symptoms that go along with the menopause.

Hormone replacement therapy is not a treatment for hair loss in it's self. But because it can balance out your hormones, and reduce symptoms like hot flushes, it may also help to limit any possible hair loss.

A word of warning though. Quite often these treatments involve testosterone therapy. And it's testosterone that is the root cause of hair loss.

Here's what happens.

To keep things simple. An enzyme in your body goes by the name of alpha 5 reductase. When it reacts with testosterone, the end result is dihydrotestosterone.

And that's what destroys your hair.

Your hair goes through a cycle of growing, stopping growing, then falling out. After that new hair grows in, and goes through the same process.

Unfortunately with dihydrotestosterone around attacking your hair follicles, each new one gets smaller, and smaller.

Until they become very fine hairs on your scalp.

They will be so small you won't see them, and when you part your hair all you will see is bare scalp.

Treatment For Hair Loss Due to Menopause And Ageing 

Rogaine is a very popular treatment for hair loss due to menopause, although technically the active ingredient that stops hair loss, and can regrow hair in some people, is actually a drug.

When I say it's a drug though, you don't actually swallow it, but rather apply it to your scalp. So there is very minimal if any risk at all.

It's called Minoxidil, and because it's technically a drug it has been extensively tested by the FDA, and past as perfectly safe for the public as a solution for hair loss.

Menopause Hair Loss Supplements to Boost Hair Growth

If you're deficient in any nutrients or vitamins needed for healthy hair growth Har Vokse pills can be taken on their own, or they can safely be combined with the Rogaine treatment.

Since Har Vokse is completely natural and drug-free there has been no involvement with the FDA. But you don't want to go buying it without seeing the results other people have had using the product.

You can see the results for the HarVokse clinical tests here.

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