

What is The Best Hair Growth Treatment For Men And Women? (Natural And Medical)

4 Types of Hair Growth Treatments

Not only will you find here what is the best hair growth treatment here for men and women, you will find the one that feels right for you.

These are the most successful treatments used for hair growth period.

After years of research, case studies and trials these are the most up to date treatments that work the best.

There are four types of treatments that are available to you.

1: Using powerful drugs that stop hair loss, and stimulate fresh growth. Know the risks before you try anything.

2: The non drug alternatives. If you don’t want to take any chances but still need a treatment that’s been endorsed.

3: Herbal and natural remedies for hair loss. If that’s what you prefer.

4: Treating your hair with nutrition. What are the best foods to make your hair grow?

So far there are only two potent drugs that are officially approved by the FDA as being low risk, and safe to use. The first is Propecia (Finasteride) a pill used very successfully by men all over the world.

This amazing wonder drug stops male pattern baldness in it’s tracks and gives you fresh, shiny thick growth. It simply prevents the DHT hormone from attacking and weakening your hair. Allowing fresh hair to grow freely.

The down side is that there is a small risk of side effects. You may have seen these in the news. But the reason it’s been approved by the FDA is because the risk of any side effects are not life threatening, and are less than 2%

When you consider that millions of men around the world are happy with the product, that’s a pretty low risk. If you become one of the few that are affected simply discontinue taking it.

Then there’s Monixidil. It’s not taken as a pill but applied externally to your hair, again to inhibit DHT. It’s ok for men and women to use products containing Monixidil, but women should avoid Propecia because of pregnancy issues.

So what about non drug alternatives?

You will no doubt be aware that hair loss scammers have come and gone throughout the years. This is where you need to be more careful.

Hair loss shampoos will probably be kinder to your hair, but on their own are highly unlikely to stimulate growth.

You’re much safer with a product with a bit of a track record. And isn’t here today, gone tomorrow. A branded product like Har Vokse which has been endorsed by medical doctors.

The marine hair growing protein combined with medically proven vitamins that promote hair growth Have made Har Vokse popular in many countries all over the world and it’s continuing to grow.

What about herbal and natural treatments for hair growth?

The Har Vokse supplements are packed with all natural hair stimulating ingredients. And there are increasingly more and more people turning to these magical herbs and natural remedies.

With so many reports about the hair growing benefits of things like ginko biloba, I’m sure you know green tea is good for you, but reports on it’s hair growing properties are coming through fast and thick. Saw palmetto is another one, and then there’s stinging nettle.

Treating you hair with nutrition is bound to add positive support to whatever treatment you decide on. Proteins like chicken, and leafy green vegetables with iron are all foods that make your hair grow.

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