

Hairdressers Livingston Village - How to Keep Hair Straight Through The Day (Without Products)

If your hair is naturally wavy or curly at hairdressers Livingston Village, and you want to know how to keep hair straight through the day please read on…

Would you like your hair to look  sleek, and smooth?  Well please be reassured that the style you want is definitely feasible, and without products.

Don’t get me wrong, hair products can help keep your curls in check, but you can still achieve that straight look through the day without the help of ointments, waxes and sprays. You only need the tools suitable for all-day style.


What you need:

Hydrating Shampoo
Moisturizing Conditioner
Wide tooth comb
Round Brush

Wash and condition your hair with moisturizing products. These formulas are designed to hydrate parched strands and prevent frizz. Curly hair is much easier to style and manage if you are well hydrated, so make some foam.

Dry your hair with a towel. Do not rub, as this can cause your curls appear in action. Just press the towel against your hair to absorb excess moisture.

Comb your hair tangles with a wide tooth comb. The wide teeth detangle hair without causing frizz.

Divide your hair in half. This just makes it easier to cope with drying. Take a 1-inch section of hair from the front of your head and place the brush on the bottom area of your hair, that is right next to your scalp.

Nozzle pointing directly into the hair dryer which lies in the round brush. Dry your hair while you pass the brush through each section. The brush and the hair dryer must work as a team, following each other through your hair. This will smooth all your waves and curls.

Dry your hair, section by section, using the method of round brush and hair dryer. Your hair should be dry and smooth once complete.

Select a 1 inch section of the front hair and a hot plate holding the hair along the scalp. Gradually passing the iron through your hair to the tips.

Spend the plate across your head, section by section. The plates create straight hair while stopping frizz. Immediately you will notice that your hair looks shiny and elegant after using an iron.

Avoid getting your hair wet or exercising, if you are not using any product - by the time your hair gets wet, the curls are back with a vengeance. If you keep your hair dry, the style will last all day.


If your hair begins to curl at the middle of the day, throw it back in a tight ponytail to straighten.

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